We issue certificates

We issue medical certificates for a variety of purposes
Travel certificates
We do both PCR and rapid antigen tests for travel certificates and health certificates. We also issue other travel certificates.
Free certificates
We issue free certificates for municipalities and district committees in the Stockholm region as well as the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan).
Fee-based certificates
We issue fee-based certificates for all aspects of health and the body for employers and the Swedish Transport Agency (Transportstyrelsen).
Is the appointment fee included in the price of a certificate?
In the case that an examination is necessary to issue the certificate, the fee is included in the charge for the certificate. In other cases, a normal appointment fee is added.
Certificate fees and appointment fees are charged if you request a fee-based certificate for a doctor's visit in outpatient care. .
Example : Karin goes to the doctor because she is ill. During her visit, she asks the doctor to issue a certificate for the travel agency because she has to cancel a trip. Karin pays the outpatient fee for the doctor’s visit as well as the certificate fee.
Where a patient contacts the health centre to obtain a certificate, only a certificate fee is charged.
Example : Karin is going to get her driver’s license and needs to submit a medical certificate to the Swedish Transport Agency. The doctors must do a medical health check in order to fill out the certificate. Karin only pays the certificate fee since the medical examination is included in the price.