We issue certificates
Free certificates

Hälsans health clinic issues certificates for various purposes
Free certificates

We issue free certificates in the following instances:
- Certificates required by the municipality of Stockholm for processing of dental care support, for example.
- Certificates as per the Occupational Injuries Insurance Act.
- Certificates required by the county council’s patient insurance company, LöF, for processing of claims.
- Certificates for The Swedish Disability Rights Federation (LSS).
- Certificates requested by relatives of patients being admitted under the Compulsory Psychiatric Care Act (LPT).
- Certificates needed by The National Board of Forensic Medicine (decides on compensation to caregivers) during förensic psychiatric examinations in criminal cases (sosfs 1996:15)
- Issuance of death certificates
Fee certificates to the municipality or district committee within stockholm county

In some cases the municipality needs professional medical opinions in its case processing. Some of these certificates are free of charge. Other certificates for the municipality of the district council within Stockholm County are charged separately or at an hourly rate :
- Parking permits
- Transportation services/renewal of transportation services and national transportation services
- Home equipment and adaptations for persons with disabilities.
- Special housing needs in the case of, for example, dementia.
- To the municipality guardian (certificates for trusts and trustees)
Free contributions to the swedish social insurance agency

All certificates needed for case processing by the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) are free of charge. Some examples of certificates provided are:
- Activity compensation
- Parental allowance and benefits
- Disability compensation and care allowance
- Certificates for temporary parental allowance (VAB)
- Professional medical opinions on health status (LUH)
- Medical certificates for application for adoption
- Next of kin allowance
- Rehabilitation allowance
- Medical certificate for assessment of right to paid sick leave.